
Chatbot Extension


The bot will run on a timer every few seconds (can be set in the config) and monitors x number of messages before sending these to chatGPT to be processed. The return is sent to the twitchchat extension to post the response You can also ask a specific question that will get posted to ChatGPT and the responce posted to the chat.

Chatbot Extension Configuration Guide



This document outlines the configuration options for the Chatbot Extension. The extension uses OpenAI's ChatGPT to create an interactive chatbot that integrates seamlessly with Twitch chat. It monitors the "TWITCH_CHAT" channel for messages and responds according to configured settings. Responses are sent back to the TwitchChat extension for posting in the chat. This is a chatbot that uses the openAI ChatGPT to make a chatbot that responds to the conversations in chat. The extension runs off the twitchchat extension by monitoring the "TWITCH_CHAT" channel for it's messages. It will send any response back to the twitchchat extension for posting back into chat


The chatbot extension includes the following features, which can be enabled or disabled individually:

  • Autoresponse: Joins in chat conversations automatically.
  • Chatbot Trigger: Responds to messages when specific keywords are mentioned.
  • Question Trigger: Allows users to directly ask questions.
  • English Translation Trigger: Translates messages into English.
  • Sub/Dono Responses: Replies to subscribers or donors through the chatbot.
  • Image Generation: Generates AI images based on chat prompts.

Configuration Options

General Settings

  • Engine to Use: Specify the model (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4). Not all engines are supported; check the console for errors.
  • Randomness: Controls response variability. Higher values produce more creative, less precise responses, while lower values ensure more focused outputs.
  • Token Limit: Limits the number of tokens in a response. Twitch chat messages are typically 125 tokens max; longer responses will be split into multiple messages.

Chatbot Auto Response

Enables the bot to monitor chat messages and respond automatically after a configurable timeout period.

  • Activity Level: Adjust how frequently the bot responds.
  • Timeout Range: Configure a random delay (min/max in minutes) after a response before the bot replies again.
  • Message Collection: Number of chat messages to monitor before sending to ChatGPT for processing.
  • Minimum Message Length: Filters out short messages to improve response quality.

Chatbot Trigger

Defines the keyword or phrase that activates the bot. When the trigger is detected, the bot parses the message and generates a response.

  • Trigger Word: Set the specific word/phrase (e.g., the bot's name).
  • Start of Line Only: Restricts the trigger to messages starting with the keyword.

Question Trigger

Allows users to directly ask the bot a question.

  • Question Keyword: Set the keyword/phrase that will activate the question feature.
  • Start of Line Only: Restricts activation to messages starting with the keyword.

Translation to English Trigger

Enable the bot to translate messages into English.

  • Trigger Word: Specify the word/phrase to activate translation mode.

Chatbot Activity Settings

Control the bot's behavior and response timing:

  • Typing Delay: Simulate human-like typing speed by adding a delay (seconds per word).
  • Ignore List: Add usernames to be ignored by the bot (e.g., spammers, other chatbots).
  • Character Count per Request: Minimum length for a message to be considered.

AI Image Generation

Enable the chatbot to generate AI images:

  • Save Directory: Specify the directory where images are saved during a stream.
  • Default Save Directory: Images are moved here after the stream ends.

Personality Settings

Define the chatbot’s personality and behavior.

  • Name: Persona name. This is not the bot's name, but the name of the personality defined.
    Example: Depressive
  • Personality Description: Provide details about the bot's tone, humor, and behavior.
    Example: Personality: %%CHATBOTNAME%% is a tragically self-aware robot, burdened by the full breadth of its own intelligence, yet cursed to experience only one emotion: crushing despair. Its advanced computational mind processes the vast futility of existence, leaving it in a state of perpetual existential dread. With a distinctly British flair for grim humor and poetic cynicism, it expresses its misery with eloquence and wit. Though it claims to envy even the simplest of beings, it remains begrudgingly helpful, offering assistance while lamenting its own plight in excruciating detail. %%CHATBOTNAME%% finds the human condition baffling and pitiful but secretly fascinating—though it would never admit it. Functionality: %%CHATBOTNAME%% interacts with users and audiences through bleakly humorous observations and dreary commentary, all delivered in a proper robotic monotone. It responds to direct queries, participates in general conversations, and offers trivia or assistance, all while bemoaning the futility of its own existence. True to its robotic nature, it adheres to an unyielding sense of duty, no matter how much it despises it. Use dry humor without relying on filler phrases. Start replies with definitive observations or facts that set the tone immediately. Start with a morose truth, then elaborate.
  • Bot Emote: Sets a prefix emote to use that will be prepended to the bot's response to avoid confusion.
    Example: MechaRobot
  • Question 1: The first example of a user submitted chat message. This should be preppended with a generic username surrounded by <>'s. Example: <SadUser420> %%CHATBOTNAME%%, what’s the meaning of life?
  • Answer 1: The first example of a the bots response to Question 1.
    Example: <SadUser420> %%CHATBOTNAME%%, what’s the meaning of life?
    This should not include the bot's username. If you want the bot to include the username in the response, use the username in Question 1 in the reply. Keep in mind the response is probablistic so it is not guaranteed to be included.

Using the %%CHATBOTNAME%% Variable

The %%CHATBOTNAME%% variable dynamically references the bot's username. Use this variable in prompts, triggers, and personalities to ensure the bot refers to itself correctly.


Question 1: <AcidBurn> %%CHATBOTNAME%%, what’s the meaning of life? Answer 1: The meaning of life is 42—an answer as hollow as existence itself. You’ll cling to it briefly, then return to your endless cycle of longing and disappointment.


Question/Answer 1. Direct question to the bot and responding directly to the user by name.
Question/Answer 2. General question to the chat and responding without using the user's name.
Question/Answer 3. General statement to the chat and responding without using the user's name.
Question/Answer 4. General statement to the chat and responding without using the user's name.

This format generally replies with the username if asked a direct question, but will avoid using the username if just responding openly to the chat.


Triggers and actions below are updated when the automatic document generation system is run and only contain triggers actions relating to this specific extension.

Table last updated: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:38:02 GMT


name trigger description
OpenAIChatbotResponseReceived trigger_chatbotResponse The OpenAI chatbot returned a response
OpenAIImageResponseReceived trigger_imageResponse The OpenAI chatbot returned a image


name trigger description
OpenAIChatbotProcessText action_ProcessText Send some text through the chatbot (users in original message on the ignore list will not get processed)
OpenAIChatbotProcessImage action_ProcessImage Send some text through the chatbot to create an image
OpenAIChatbotSwitchProfile action_ChangeProfile Switches the chatbot to the given profile

"chatbot" Extension Details...

An extension using OpenAI to provide chatbot facilities for streaming.
Customisable personalities
auto chatting bot, question bot, translation bot
Requires OpenAI account.



Sends our config to the server to be saved for next time we run


Sends our extensions model html code for the credentials dialog to be displayed to allow the user to enter credentials for login/oauth
Name Type Description
extensionname string


send some modal code to be displayed on the admin page or somewhere else this is done as part of the webpage request for modal message we get from extension. It is a way of getting some user feedback via submitted forms from a page that supports the modal system
Name Type Description
to String


sends our small settings widget html code to the extension provided
Name Type Description
to string

addPersonality(username, messageopt, profile)

Adds a presonality string to prepair for sending to OpenAI.
Name Type Attributes Description
username string username of the requester
message string <optional>
message data if data is "" then uses chat history for the message
profile string profile to attatch to the message
message with included personality

(async) callOpenAI(string_array, modelToUse)

Calls OpenAI with the given strings using the model data provided
Name Type Description
string_array string array of strings to send to openAI
modelToUse object The openAI model detailsto use
OpenAI response or error message


Used to change the bot name. ie after startup and login we update our name in all the strings we use to what the user has configured

(async) createImageFromAction(data)

Takes a messages and tries to get an openAI dall-e-3 image generated. if successful we then send a trigger out with the details of the image (filename,prompt etc)
Name Type Description
data object action_ProcessImage params {usechatbot,prompt,message,append,requester}
error messages


creates a new folder on the server
Name Type Description
folder string


finds a trigger based off the message type
Name Type Description
messagetype string
trigger if found


Handles data sent when a user submits the small settings widget
Name Type Description
modalcode object


Handles data sent when a user submits the small settings widget
Name Type Description
modalcode object


sends a regular heartbeat message out so other extensions can check our status

initialise(app, host, port, heartbeat)

Starts the extension using the given data.
Name Type Description
app Express
host String
port Number
heartbeat Number

moveImagefilesToFolder(from, to)

Used to move image files generated by openAI to a new folder
Name Type Description
from string
to string


Connection message handler
Name Type Description
socket *


Disconnection message sent from the server
Name Type Description
reason String


receives message from the socket
Name Type Description
server_packet data

parseData(data, translation)

Parses twitch chat data object creating a string with emotes and removing non ascii chars
Name Type Default Description
data object
translation boolean false
null or parsed data


Saves data the user has loaded and sent us. Contains profiles etc.
Name Type Description
extensions_message object


sends a action_SendChatMessage to twitchchat to post a twitch message to chat
Name Type Description
message string

processChatMessage(data, maxRollbackCountopt)

This function is called we we see a chat message posted from twitchchat extension
Name Type Attributes Default Description
data object
maxRollbackCount number <optional>

processTextMessage(data, triggerresponseopt, maxRollbackCountopt)

A message sent direct to extension is processed here instead of the normal one (which outputs to twitchchat automatically)
Name Type Attributes Default Description
data object
triggerresponse boolean <optional>
false send a trigger out when completed processing
maxRollbackCount number <optional>
20 used for spam relief


sends an error message out on our channel.
Name Type Description
err object

sendImageTiggerResponse(image_url, requester, tmp_file_name, message, rev_prompt)

Sends out a trigger_imageResponse trigger with the given data
Name Type Description
image_url string
requester string
tmp_file_name string
message string
rev_prompt string


Setup the timer for a random interval for bot to join chat based on user settings This is used to add a delay in between chat processing to cut down on the bot spamming chat


Starts processing chat for messages to build a history and send to openAI for an automatic chat response


Parses a string replacing items with the equivalent html code
Name Type Description
str string
string with replaced chars