Youtube Extension
Outgoing channel : "YOUTUBE"
This extension allows youtube integration into chat
Currently the extension only receives youtube messages from your current live stream.
Settings Small (for mainpage quick links)
- enable/disable addon
- youtube channel to scan
- This is the channel the extension will scan for live videos
- cookie authentication
- Enter your yourube cookie here to be able to post into live chat from streamroller
- restore defaults
- Resets the extension data to defaults/remove creadentials/cookies.
Settings Large (for main settings full page)
Authorization is done via youtube cookies from your normal login when browsing youtube.
To get hold of a cookie to use in StreamRoller perform the following steps.
- In a browser, sign into YouTube (either incognito or a browser you don't use for YouTube), then hit F12/ctrl-shift-i/right-click-menu to bring up the Developer Tools/Inspector.
- Choose the Network tab.
- Select XHR filter.
- Enter 'browse' in the Filter box.
- Now scroll down the YouTube web page until an entry starting with 'browse' appears. Select it.
- Scroll down in the Headers tab until you see Cookie under Request Headers.
- Right-click on the value of Cookie and select Copy Value (or select all and right click-copy). note: the cookies are large multiline section blocks. More detailed description with pictures
Triggers and actions below are updated when the automatic document generation system is run and only contain triggers actions relating to this specific extension.
Table last updated: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:38:02 GMT
name | trigger | description |
Youtube message received | trigger_ChatMessageReceived | A chat message was received. textMessage field has name and message combined |
name | trigger | description |
YouTube post livechat message | action_youtubePostLiveChatMessage | Post to youtube live chat if we are connected. |