Twitch Chat
Outgoing channel : "TWITCH_CHAT"
Authorization fields
There are two sets of credentials needed. One for the user and one for the bot. Future versions will add the ability for multiple users and bots
(BOT) Field 1
- Name: twitchchatbot
- Value: 'botname' ie myChatBot
(BOT) Field 2
- Name: twitchchatbotoauth
- Value: bot oauth token (including the oauth: part, ie "oauth:sdfeicx345324dfsfe3242")
(USER) Field 1
- Name: twitchchauser
- Value: 'username' ie OldDepressedGamer
(USER) Field 2
- Name: twitchchatuseroauth
- Value: user oauth token (including the oauth: part, ie "oauth:sdfeicx345324dfsfe3242")
The twitch chat extension will send out any messages sent on the channel provided in the settings (or Admin page settings box) using the username provided or defaults to the bot
Triggers and actions below are updated when the automatic document generation system is run and only contain triggers actions relating to this specific extension.
Table last updated: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:38:02 GMT
name | trigger | description |
TwitchChatChatMessageReceived | trigger_ChatMessageReceived | A chat message was received. textMessage field has name and message combined |
TwitchChatActionReceived | trigger_ChatActionReceived | A chat action was received (a /me message) |
TwitchChatBanReceived | trigger_ChatBanReceived | A chat users was banned |
TwitchChatMessageDeletedReceived | trigger_ChatMessageDeleted | A chat message was deleted |
TwitchChatPrimePaidUpgradeReceived | trigger_ChatPrimePaidUpgrade | A user paid to upgrade their prime sub |
TwitchChatRaidReceived | trigger_ChatRaid | Another streamer raided you |
TwitchChatRedeemReceived | trigger_ChatRedeem | Viewer reddemed chat points |
TwitchChatResubReceived | trigger_ChatResub | Someone Resubbed |
TwitchChatRitualReceived | trigger_ChatRitual | Ritual |
TwitchChatRoomstateReceived | trigger_ChatRoomstate | This message contains things like sub-only mode etc |
TwitchChatSubscriptionReceived | trigger_ChatSubscription | Someone Subscribed |
TwitchChatTimeoutReceived | trigger_ChatTimeout | A viewer was timedout |
TwitchChatSubMysteryGiftReceived | trigger_ChatSubMysteryGift | A viewer Gifted a sub |
TwitchChatAutoModReceived | trigger_ChatAutoMod | Automod action happened |
TwitchChatReconnect | trigger_ChatReconnect | Chat Reconnected |
TwitchChatAnonGiftPaidUpgradeReceived | trigger_ChatAnonGiftPaidUpgrade | Your guess is as good as mine on this one |
TwitchChatAnonSubMysteryGiftReceived | trigger_ChatAnonSubMysteryGift | Someone Gifted an Sub Anonymously |
TwitchChatAnonSubGiftReceived | trigger_ChatAnonSubGift | Someone Gifted an Sub |
TwitchChatCheerReceived | trigger_ChatCheer | Someone donated bits |
TwitchChatMod | trigger_ChatMod | A Mod message was received, someone modded maybe or a mod action was performed. let me know if you know which it is |
TwitchChatSubGift | trigger_ChatSubGift | Someone gifted a sub to another viewer |
TwitchChatSubscribers | trigger_ChatSubscribers | Subscribers |
TwitchChatVipss | trigger_ChatVips | Channel Vips |
TwitchChatClear | trigger_ChatClear | Chat was cleared |
TwitchChatFollowersOnly | trigger_ChatFollowersOnly | FollowersOnly mode was changed |
TwitchChatGiftPaidUpgrade | trigger_ChatGiftPaidUpgrade | Someone gifted a paid upgrade |
TwitchChatEmoteOnly | trigger_ChatEmoteOnly | EmoteOnly mode changed |
TwitchChatr9kbeta | trigger_Chatr9kbeta | r9kbeta mode changed |
TwitchChatSlowmode | trigger_ChatSlowmode | Slowmode mode changed |
TwitchChatWhisper | trigger_ChatWhisper | Someone Whispered you or the bot |
TwitchChatNotice | trigger_ChatNotice | You received a notice (ie about chat being in follower mode etc) |
TwitchChatUserNotice | trigger_ChatUserNotice | UserNotice received |
TwitchChatDisconnected | trigger_ChatDisconnected | Chat was Disconnected |
TwitchChatConnected | trigger_ChatConnected | Chat was connected |
TwitchChatJoin | trigger_ChatJoin | Someone Joined the chat |
name | trigger | description |
TwitchChatSendChatMessage | action_SendChatMessage | Post a message to twitch chat (Note user is case sensitive) |